Monday, January 25, 2010


Brian Knep work does something that static imagery cannot do; it creates a world that is tangible, interactive and very alive. Through programming Knep is able to simulate organic environments that draw user into a world that is unique and timeless. It allows the user to experience his concepts of change, healing, struggle, and acceptance and enables them to draw upon a deeper meaning of life.
The interactive piece such as deep wounds is a gallery located in Harvard University main hall. Is a piece that unveils the forgotten names of confederate soldiers and pays homage to them by allowing there information to be unveiled as people pass over the piece.


Data: is raw abstraction information that takes the form of variables that transpire into information to some degree.

Programming: the act of setting parameters for procedural commands to talk place in a computer environment

Syntax: is a structure in which a language is confined to or a set of rules that maintain order over a set of variables

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why talent is overrated

Success in anything is like leaning to break a brick with you head. It hurts like hell when learning, it takes a lot of time and practice and only those with a burning desire will achieve success. Unless you have a steel plate in you head. In the article , “Why is talent overrated, ” the author made a profound point when he was comparing poor, mediocre and the best performers. He mentions that poor performers don’t set goal at all. Which is would explain why they are poor performers. However when he mentioned Mediocre performers he said that, “Mediocre performers set goals that are general and are often focused on simply achieving a good outcome.” This caused me to think about how in grade school we are told to just try our best and what ever happens is okay. But in all actuality it is not. Due to our acceptance of this idea, we are conditioned, not to push ourselves beyond our known limitations. Are we lackadaisical? No. however, I feel that we are unconscious of our lackadaisical habits that prohibit us form being more. What excited me the most about this article were the best performers. He says that the best performers are conscious about what they do and are not happy with doing well. They are conscious of what there goals and the major and minor details relating to their goals. Another point was they work at the small things because they know the small things affect the quality of their outcome.

Programming Media

Programming in this day in age is astronomical. I find it interesting the how it is everywhere and in everything that we use on a daily bases. More importantly, I find it interesting, that lack of interest that people have in programming and software development. I feel as though if a language has the power to manipulate so many different variables in our lives, we should be more conscious of it’s nature and functionality in relation to our lives.
The article titled, “programming media,” lays out the nature of programming and the facets that it embodies. The areas that sparked my interest are, Software as a Medium, Each Language is UniqueSoftware as a medium to me, gave me a glimpse of the reality of contemporary are in my life. Growing up doing fine art I was in a sense disgusted by the idea of moving a way form a traditional approach to art and design and indulging in contemporary art. The passage where the author says,” Software has enabled a way to build a bridge between the art of the past and the electronic arts of the present and future,” has allowed me to begin to think of programming as a means of expression.
The idea that each language is unique is pretty self-explanatory. However, through the examples I found that even thought each language has it’s own strengths and limitations the syntax is similar no matter the language. It is as if the languages are all cousins but all just have slightly different features.